Out of the Curriculum
The students are exposed to various general activities outside the curriculum such like Afro dance, Choreography, African musicals, Musical drama, music appreciative games like musical hugs, pass the hat and pumpkin bowling, stage play etc. which would be showcased during the sessional recitals and concerts.

As a measure to assess and examine the performance of the student at the end of the session, there will be an examination to both the centre and home lessons comprising of both theory of music and practical. A student is given categories of musical pieces comprising of classical, contemporary and folks’ music structured according to the curriculum of that session upon which preferred option from each category will be selected by the student to work on throughout the period with the guidance and assistance of an assigned instructor on the choice instrument. The student is expected to perform in the presence of the Academy’s musical staff members as adjudicators. Results will be drawn from the student’s performance, considered and further sent to parent In order to qualify for the Examination, the student is expected to have 75% attendance to lessons at the centre with a complete four monthly assessments on the theory of music and an appreciative musical instrument presentation showing progress in preparation for the examination supervised by the assigned instructor
Recital Programme
As a measure to showcase the student talent assess and examine the student’s performance at the close of the session, a recital performance programme is organized for all the eligible students of academy which will enable them to perform and showcase their musical skill in the presence of the teachers, parents, families, friends, and other invited guest.